
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

cut both ways

もろ刃の剣である 良い面も悪い面もある 善し悪しだ (=cut two ways)

cut both waysの関連語句

cut both waysの用例

Against the backdrop of a deepening economic recession, S&P cut its rating on Spain’s long-term debt to its lowest investment grade.

Another key issue is to cut the wage disparity between permanent employees and part-timers and temporary employees.

Banks should cut their losses ― nonperforming loans and other negative legacies of the bubble economy.

By emphasizing the correction of income disparities, the U.S. Democratic Party has staked out a position that will not cut federal spending for the underprivileged, including low-income earners and senior citizens.

Cutting wasteful spending will not be enough to fund social security programs.

In cutting expenditures to rebuild government finances, the U.S. Democratic Party does not see defense spending as untouchable.

Moody’s Investors Service cut General Motors Corp.’s long-term debt rating.

Moody’s Investors Service Inc. cut Japan’s yen-denominated debt rating by one notch to Aa3 from Aa2 and maintained a negative outlook.

Panasonic Corp.’s rating was cut two levels to BB by Fitch Ratings, with a negative outlook.

Seven & I Holding Co. will launch a discount store as consumers cut spending amid rising gasoline and food prices.

Struggling chipmaker Renesas Electronics Corp. plans to close half of domestic plants and cut about 30 percent of its workforce.

Talks aimed at cutting each side’s nuclear arsenal were at an impasse after U.S. Under Secretary of State John Bolton cut short a key round of negotiations with Mamedov.

The center of gravity in Japan’s national defense has been shifting from quantity to quality and defense spending has been cut since the end of the Cold War.

The company cut its projected earnings three times in fiscal 2021, which underscores its sagging profit-making prowess.

The company plans to cut its interest-bearing debts to about ¥200 billion this business year.

The Federal Reserve will cut its monthly bond purchases starting in February 2014 by $10 billion to $65 billion.

The firm will ax 10,000 jobs worldwide and cut ¥200 billion in costs by the end of fiscal 2021 in a sweeping restructuring plan.

The long-term credit ratings of Panasonic Corp. and Sony Corp. reeling from record losses were cut to junk by Fitch Ratings.

The Manila-based ADB cut most of its 2012 and 2013 growth estimates for developing Asia due to a slump in global demand.

The player was cut by the team to make room for a newcomer.

To prevent the European economy from falling into deflation, the ECB will cut its annual policy rate to a record low 0.15 percent and lower the overnight deposit rate, which is applied to funds commercial banks park at the ECB, to minus 0.1 percent from zero percent.

To revamp its business, the firm plans to cut 14,000 jobs, about one-third of its total employees, and abolish or consolidate its domestic factories.

Under the NTT West Corp.’s new discount plan, the monthly usage fee of the firm’s FLET’s fiber-optic Internet connection service for single-family houses will be cut by up to about 33 percent according to the length of continuous usage of the service.

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