cut in

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

cut in

〜の引下げ 〜の削減 〜の短縮 〜の低下 〜のカット

cut inの関連語句

cut inの用例

Cuts in pension benefits are not permitted without agreement from two-thirds or more of pension beneficiaries and company employees covered by a pension scheme.

Fiscal reconstruction through cuts in social security benefits and a tax increase is needed to keep the social security system afloat.

In dealing with this summer’s power shortages, the company will take such measures as suspension of operations, cuts in production and changes in work shifts to increase nighttime work.

In its campaign platform for the upper house election in July 2013, the LDP placed emphasis on realizing its Abenomics economic policies and pledged to seek tax incentives for capital investment and drastic cuts in the corporation tax.

The new LDP government is required to set a realistic target for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to replace the current one and reshape a strategy for international negotiations on this matter.

The slump in domestic new car sales has accelerated cuts in output and staffing levels.

To achieve at least 2 percent nominal growth in gross domestic product, the government must take stimulus measures, including a cut in corporate income tax.

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