
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

cut off

切り離す 切断する 遮断する 削除する 削減する (電話などを)切る (供給を)断つ 止める 打ち切る 中止する 締め切る 封鎖する 孤立させる (口を)封じる 黙らせる 勘当する 〜の相続権を奪う 早死にさせる 消滅する (機械などが)急に止まる 脇道に入る

cut offの関連語句

cut offの用例

As a move to jeopardize the symbol of cooperation between South Korea and North Korea, Pyongyang cut off a military hotline with South Korea that allows cross-border travel to a jointly run industrial complex.

In order to cut off funds to North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program, the government will tighten controls on illegal bilateral transactions, including exports of materials for making missiles and smuggling of narcotics and counterfeit bank notes into the country.

There were potential knock-on effects of gas shortage for the European Union as Russia’s Gazprom had been threatening to cut off Ukraine’s gas.

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