
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

deal with

〜を処理[処置]する 解決する 取り扱う 扱う 〜と取引する 取引関係にある 商う 商売をする 〜と密約を結ぶ 〜と付き合う 〜と会談する 〜と折衝する 〜に対処する 〜に対応する (⇒catastrophe, vice president of the United State)

deal withの関連語句

deal withの用例

About 40% of freelancers who deal with companies are said to have experienced problems such as unilateral changes in contract terms.

After the earthquake of magnitude 7.3 with its epicenter off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture, the government has set up a task force to deal with the earthquake in the crisis management center at the Prime Minister’s Office.

A higher capital adequacy ratio means that a bank has a greater capability to deal with risk.

A Japanese NSC will deal with matters that require sensitive handling such as mobilizing the Self-Defense Forces.

Amid a chronically low birthrate, Japan’s budget for measures to deal with the low birthrate is small, compared with those of the United States and European countries.

As part of its reconstruction budget, the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry earmarked the cost for dealing with Sea Shepherd, an antiwhaling organization.

At district courts, a council system by three judges is adopted only to deal with crucial cases such as state compensation and defamation, while many of civil cases are usually decided by a single judge.

Bilateral relations between both Tokyo and Moscow have strategic importance in dealing with China, which is expanding economically and militarily.

Chinese Xi administration will have to get serious about dealing with expanding income and other disparities, corruption in high-ranking officials, and environmental destruction that have accompanied rapid economic growth.

Counterfeit brand products are suspected to have been sold at the special venue areas of five department stores which dealt with the same general merchandise sales company.

Growth strategy for Europe has become the focal point in dealing with the European financial crisis.

In dealing with rapid rise of the Chinese military, the deployment of the MV-22 Osprey in Japan would be in line with the U.S. military’s strategy of increasing its presence in the west Pacific region.

In dealing with this summer’s power shortages, the company will take such measures as suspension of operations, cuts in production and changes in work shifts to increase nighttime work.

In the hostage-taking crisis by Islamic extremists at a natural gas complex in In Amenas in eastern Algeria, the government set up a countermeasures task force comprising ministers concerned to deal with the crisis.

Ministers concerned will swiftly deal with the matter of illegal intrusions onto the Senkaku Islands.

Newly elected French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel differ fundamentally in their positions for dealing with Europe’s financial crisis.

Panasonic and Sharp may be forced to deal with losses again as the world economy is slowing down.

Protecting a victim’s privacy is especially important when dealing with sex offenses.

Russia and Japan share the common interests in keeping China in check and dealing with North Korea’s nuclear development program.

Stock prices have been rising due to an expectation that the Abe administration’s measures to deal with the appreciation of the yen will revitalize the domestic industries.

The government will flexibly implement both economic and financial measures to deal with the slowdown in the economy.

The issue of historical understanding cannot be dealt with separately from the international politics of today.

The LDP’s local chapters are paying close attention to how the party will deal with the TPP.

The retail stores which form chain-store contracts with a large manufacturing firm deal with all the products of the manufacturer and receive various services such as design of stores, store arrangement and free supply of samples.

The U.S. President Obama said that he would not wheel and deal with China and Russia over the issue of extraditing Edward Snowden.

The Xi administration after the Hu-Wen regime is forced to appropriately deal with the suppression of the human rights of minority groups, such as those in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

To deal with China, Japan must map out and execute a long-range strategy for normalizing bilateral relations.

To deal with the problem of noise pollution, local residents got together.

To discuss measures to deal with the PM2.5 problem, officials from China, Japan and South Korea will hold a policy dialogue in Beijing.

To eradicate terrorism, the cooperation of the international community must be strengthened to resolutely deal with despicable terrorist acts.

Urgent steps should be taken to deal with ominous signs in the real economy.

When the bank was launched, its back-office divisions, such as those dealing with credit screening and planning, were integrated.

White House Chief of Staff [chief of staff] Reince Priebus, who assumed the responsibility of coordinating within the White House and dealing with Congress as the closest aide to Trump, has resigned.

With the Japanese economy left in uncertainty, the new government will be required to adopt pump-priming measures to keep pace with the Bank of Japan, while the central bank will be asked to watch and deal with the economy with even more care.

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