
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

debt burden

債務負担 債務超過

debt burdenの関連語句

debt burdenの用例

College fees concerning enrollment, tuition, facility equipment usage fees and others are tax-free, but universities have to assume an increasing financial burden as a result of the consumption tax hike when they purchase supplies from April 2014.

Domestic airlines, buoyed by business demand, bore the burden of skyrocketing aviation fuel prices to post strong results up to the first half of fiscal 2008.

During a street speech in Tokyo, DPJ President Banri Kaieda stressed the disadvantages of Abenomics, saying “Abenomics will raise prices, increase people’s burdens and destroy their livelihoods.”

If the prices of purchased bad assets are set high, the public burden will balloon.

It is impossible to maintain the social security system without asking the public to shoulder an additional burden.

It’s pointed out that the ECB’s introduction of a negative deposit rate will increase the burden on commercial banks and worsen their finances, leading to a minimization of new loans and higher lending rates.

Japan’s public debt burden is the worst among advanced economies and the combined deficit of the central and local governments for fiscal 2013 is expected to swell to a level of equivalent to 6.9 percent of GDP.

Nursing-care robots are designed to help patients live independently and to reduce the burden on caretakers.

Of ¥108 trillion paid annually in social security benefits, the central and local governments shoulder a ¥40 trillion burden with public funds while only ¥60 trillion can be financed through premiums.

Public burdens will expand due to increased social security costs compounded by a declining birthrate and graying society.

School supplies and other necessities in addition to tuition are heavy financial burdens for high school students.

Some exploitative companies assign abnormally heavy work burdens on young employees and only those who fulfill their quotas are permitted to continue on the payroll to fight for the companies.

The introduction of an environmental tax would impose a heavy burden on corporations.

The Japanese economy is losing momentum with the burdens of a strong yen and high labor costs as well as higher electric power output costs.

The U.S. government’s benign neglect apparently reflects its belief in the need to avoid a financial burden due to an easy rescue effort.

debt burden

債務負担 債務超過 (⇒debt load)

debt burdenの用例

It is difficult for the company to survive on its own with its heavy debt burden of ¥500 billion.

The S&P cut in the U.S. long-term credit rating by one notch to AA-plus from AAA resulted from concerns about the nation’s budget deficits and climbing debt burden.

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[1973~ ]プロ野球選手。愛知の生まれ。本名、鈴木一朗。平成3年(1991)オリックスに入団。平成6年(1994)、当時のプロ野球新記録となる1シーズン210安打を放ち首位打者となる。平成13年(...


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