
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

declaration of a state of emergency

非常事態宣言 緊急事態宣言

declaration of a state of emergencyの用例

As the fifth wave of new coronavirus infections is approaching its end, the government has decided to lift the declaration of a state of emergency now in effect in 19 prefectures, together with [along with] pre-emergency [semi-emergency] coronavirus measures in place in 8 other prefectures.

In a challenge to the Egyptian government’s declaration of a month-long state of emergency and a dusk-to-dawn curfew, the Muslim Brotherhood called for a mass rally.

In the wake of the spread of infections with the new coronavirus (COVID-19), Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has issued a declaration of a state of emergency based on the revised law on special measures against new strains of influenza to stem infections and to protect the medical system.

Such problems as hoarding by residents driven by anxiety could be caused by the declaration of a state of emergency.

The declaration of a state of emergency issued to respond to the spread of infections with the new coronavirus covers seven prefectures including Tokyo and Osaka over a period through May 6, 2020.

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