defense [Brit. defence]

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

defense [Brit. defence]

(名)防衛 国防 防備 防衛策 防衛力 防衛手段 防衛施設 防御物 防御 保護 擁護 弁護 弁明 抗弁 答弁 被告側 ディフェンス (⇒poison-pill defense [Brit. defence])

defense [Brit. defence]の関連語句

defense [Brit. defence]の用例

After riots, the Greek police threw up defenses around the parliament building.

Jang Song Thaek, vice chairman of the National Defense Commission, was taken to a kangaroo court as a political show staged at an enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Japanese steelmakers have been forced to play defense.

Judges can’t make correct judgments if evidence in defense of a defendant isn’t disclosed in court.

Summers is believed to have an inside track to the appointment of the next Federal Reserve chairman as Obama gave a strong defense of him at a closed-door meeting.

The LDP endorses revising the Constitution to transform the SDF into a national defense military in the party’s campaign platform.

The Senkaku Islands which include Uotsurijima island fall within areas for Japan-U.S. joint defense.

The white paper titled “Defense of Japan 2013” reproaches China for its repeated incursions into Japanese waters near the Senkaku Islands, while also censuring the nation over its discord with neighboring countries that have stakes in the South China Sea.

With the enactment of the secrecy protection law, united rules covering the entire government have been put in place to protect state secrets concerning defense, diplomacy and anti-espionage and antiterrorism activities.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報





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