
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

depend on [upon]

〜による 〜に依存する 〜に頼る 〜を信頼する 〜次第である 〜にかかっている 〜を当てにする (⇒depending on)

depend on [upon]の関連語句

depend on [upon]の用例

As long as Japan depends on thermal power generation as an alternative electricity source, LNG imports will continue to increase and the nation’s wealth will flow to countries rich in natural resources.

Comparative advantage in this new global market depends not only on superior R&D, but also on speed in making management decisions, finding unique applications for research advances and delivering them to customers ahead of competitors.

Corporate chief executive officers are apt to depend on the results of customer surveys to determine their production plans.

Japan depends on the Middle East for about 80 percent of its crude oil imports.

Japan’s economy is vulnerable to foreign exchange fluctuations as Japanese firms depend so heavily on foreign demand.

North Korea, the hermetic state, seems to believe that its survival depends on bolstering its nuclear deterrence capability by possessing atomic weapons and missiles to carry the payloads.

Regarding territorial and maritime issues, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said during the U.S.-China strategic and economic dialogue that the future of freedom of navigation will depend on how China deals with territorial disputes with its neighboring countries.

The Abe administration will have to show the world that its economic policies do not depend solely on the yen’s depreciation by steadily implementing the so-called three arrows of “Abenomics,” or bold monetary easing, flexible fiscal spending and a growth strategy, in a balanced way.

The figures of primary budget balance represent the extent to which government spending on policy implementation, excluding debt servicing costs, can be funded with tax revenues without depending on debt.

The issue of reactivating the two suspended reactors at the Oi nuclear power plant depends on the will of local governments around the plant.

The plummet of stock prices in the Tokyo stock market on May 23, 2013 reminds us of the vulnerability of the world economy when its health solely depends on monetary easing.

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