
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

dialogue [dialog]

(名)対話 対話体 会話 対談 意見交換 討論 問答 会議 会談 (⇒cultural, framework of dialogue)

dialogue [dialog]の関連語句

dialogue [dialog]の用例

As positive results of the fifth round of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue held in Washington, D.C., the United States and China agreed to draw up an action plan to fight global warming and to start working-level talks for concluding a bilateral investment accord.

Barack Obama urged a dialogue for national reconciliation to Myanmar’s military rulers.

Behind Pyongyang’s change of attitude is the decision by Japan and The United States to seek dialogue with and put pressure on North Korea.

Bush, who has branded North Korea part of “an axis of evil,” initially put a policy of pursuing dialogue with Pyongyang on hold.

Disputes should be resolved through dialogue and diplomacy, not intimidation and coercion.

Even if management turns down the specific demands of shareholders, it has a responsibility to present reasonable policy and continue dialogue with them.

Foreign Minister Koichiro Genba proposed creating a framework for dialogue involving Tokyo, Washington and Beijing in his meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Israel’s freeze in the construction of settlements in the West Bank might pave the way for realizing a resumption of dialogue with the Palestinian Authority.

Regarding territorial and maritime issues, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden said during the U.S.-China strategic and economic dialogue that the future of freedom of navigation will depend on how China deals with territorial disputes with its neighboring countries.

The first official ministerial-level talks between China and Taiwan, at odds more than six decades since the 1949 creation of the People’s Republic of China, mark a big step toward expanding cross-strait dialogue beyond economic and trade issues.

To discuss measures to deal with the PM2.5 problem, officials from China, Japan and South Korea will hold a policy dialogue in Beijing.

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