
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

diffusion index

景気動向指数 業況判断指数 DI (「業況判断指数」は、日本銀行が景気の実態を把握するため3か月ごとに行う企業短期経済観測調査で、企業の景況感を示す指数。⇒indicator, territory)

diffusion indexの用例

According to the BOJ’s Tankan quarterly economic survey for March 2020, the diffusion index which indicates business sentiment plunged among both large companies and small and midsize companies, due to the spread of infections with the new coronavirus.

According to the BOJ’s Tankan survey in December 2012, business sentiment among large manufacturers deteriorated alarmingly this quarter as the diffusion index declined 9 points to minus 12.

According to the short-term quarterly survey of business sentiment compiled by the BOJ in September 2012, the diffusion index for large manufacturers’ current business conditions deteriorated for the first time in three quarters.

A diffusion index is calculated by subtracting the percentage of companies that believe business conditions are bad from companies that see them as improving.

The diffusion indexes in all four categories of large and small manufacturers and non-manufacturers reported brighter outlooks in September.

The diffusion index for large nonmanufacturers’ current business conditions leveled off and a bleak outlook is ahead.

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