
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

divided Diet

ねじれ国会 (=split Diet, twisted Diet;⇒division between the upper and lower houses, dysfunctional politics, passage of legislation, policy concessions, ruling camp, twisted Diet)

divided Dietの関連語句

divided Dietの用例

A divided Diet has made it difficult for the DPJ to bulldoze bills through the Diet.

Combined with the divided Diet as well as the extraordinary situation in which the prime minister changed every year, “indecisive politics” became entrenched from 2006 and 2012.

If the LDP and New Komeito win a majority of seats in the upper house election, the divided Diet in which opposition parties control the upper house will be ended.

In a divided Diet, the bill on issuance of deficit-financing government bonds is used as a bargaining chip over a dissolution of the lower house.

In the current divided Diet, the ruling bloc holds a majority in the lower house while the opposition bloc has control of the House of Councilors.

The Democratic Party of Japan persists on policies that have no prospect of passage in the current divided Diet.

The LDP’s thumping victory in the upper house election in July 2013 brought an end to the divided Diet, in which the ruling parties controlled one chamber and opposition parties held sway in the other.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報

