
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

domestic figures


domestic figuresの関連語句

domestic figuresの用例

Bank of Japan governor Haruhiko Kuroda aims to increase the quantity of money in circulation by ¥60 trillion to ¥70 trillion a year, more than triple the figures during the years of Hayami and Shirakawa.

China’s actual military spending is believed to be more than double the official figure.

China’s defense spending of about 670 billion yuan for 2012 is the second-largest figure after that of the United States.

Chinese intelligence agents are paid less than ¥10,000 in principle when they contact a high-profile figure overseas.

Food imports from China declined sharply after the poisoned frozen gyoza incident, but now the figure has almost returned to the levels recorded prior to the incident.

In the beer industry, shipment volume from June to August usually accounts for more than 30 percent of the annual figure.

It’s a gross blunder by the police that it has become far more difficult to determine the truth behind an extremely abnormal case in the history of crime as the central figure in the case committed suicide in a police detention cell.

Japan’s 2012 trading balance, or exports minus imports, ran up a record deficit of ¥6.9 trillion, 2.7 times more than the 2011 figure, the first trade deficit in 31 years due to the negative effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Officials were taken aback as an IOC survey showed that public support was far below Japan’s own figures.

Paying no attention to Twitter’s official rules, President Donald Trump frequently amplifies misinformation, spreads abuse and personally attacks private citizens and public figures alike by using his bully pulpit.

Public attention in this year’s spring wage negotiations will be on whether the amounts agreed on will exceed last year’s figures.

Relatively solid retail sales figures inspired another rally on Wall Street.

Same-store sales figures of nationwide supermarkets in May 2013 fell for the second month in a row to ¥1.492 trillion, or a decrease of 1.2 percent, year-on-year.

Since this spring, job openings have been falling below comparable figures for the same months last year in all 11 major industries.

The 10 ASEAN economies have a population of 600 million and combined GDP in 2012 of $2.3 trillion, which is equivalent to 28 percent of the comparable figure for China.

The Chinese intelligence agent contacted key Japanese figures, such as senior government officials and prominent business people.

The DIs of manufacturers of industrial and general purpose machinery in December fell by 17 points and 13 points respectively, compared to September’s figures of minus 11 and minus 4 respectively.

The EU’s compromise choice of two low-profiled figures as its first president and foreign minister seems to be too much.

The figures of primary budget balance represent the extent to which government spending on policy implementation, excluding debt servicing costs, can be funded with tax revenues without depending on debt.

The French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo has a history of drawing outrage across the Muslim world with crude cartoons of Islam’s holiest figure.

The number of rubella cases which have been reported chiefly from the Kanto region is 20 times higher than the figure reported during the corresponding period last year.

The plaintiffs of the Iwakuni base noise lawsuit live in an area where noise levels register 75 or higher on the Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise Level index, an international noise measurement, while the figures should be at 70 or less in residential areas under Japanese government standards.

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