
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

draft legislation regarding possible military attacks on the nation

有事関連法案 有事法案

draft legislation regarding possible military attacks on the nationの関連語句

draft legislation regarding possible military attacks on the nationの用例

According to a draft of new guidelines compiled by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, junior high school students will be allowed to bring smartphones and mobile phones to school to use them for emergency contact such as in the event of a disaster.

According to the draft of guideline measures to cope with nuclear disasters, stable iodine pills to prevent radiation exposure in thyroid glands will be preemptively distributed to houses within a 50-kilometer radius of nuclear power plants.

A study group comprising major publishing companies, writers and Diet members will compile a rough draft of a bill for legislation to establish original edition rights.

In a draft of the government’s Earthquake Research Committee’s reevaluation, the number of active faults that could cause earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 or higher has doubled in Kyushu.

The draft also includes employment assistance measures, including steps to help job-hopping part-time workers become regular employees.

The draft also includes measures to improve medical care for the elderly.

The Fighters made a case over a month and a half of why he would be better off going through the team’s development program after the team made Shohei Otani their No.1 draft pick.

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