
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


(名)緩和 軽減 引下げ 低下 金融緩和 利下げ



After U.S. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke indicated the possibility of scaling down asset purchases as part of quantitative easing, followed by a rise in U.S. long-term interest rates to over 2 percent, moves to sell Japanese government bonds gained pace.

A “small government” which Romney advocates refers to a policy line that would attempt to boost the economy with a variety of tax cuts and regulatory easing while drastically cutting back on federal spending.

Before the G-20 meeting, representatives from emerging economies expressed concern that the Abe administration’s economic policy dubbed as Abenomics, which involves bold monetary easing and an active fiscal stimulus package, is aimed at the depreciation of the yen.

Buoyed by the yen’s further drop triggered by growing expectations for the additional monetary easing by the BOJ, the key Nikkei Stock Average surged to post a 52-month closing high on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on February 6, 2013.

The Bank of Japan changed the index of monetary easing to the monetary base, or the total amount of liquid assets supplied to the market by the central bank, from interest rates.

The Bank of Japan declared additional easing moves.

The BOJ will take additional monetary easing steps by setting a 2 percent inflation target and introducing open-ended asset purchases.

The plummet of stock prices in the Tokyo stock market on May 23, 2013 reminds us of the vulnerability of the world economy when its health solely depends on monetary easing.

The U.S. FRB is poised to begin scaling back by the end of the year its QE3, the third round of quantitative monetary easing, which has helped shore up the U.S. economy.

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