
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

economic development

経済開発 経済発展 経済成長 景気動向 経済動向 経済情勢

economic developmentの関連語句

economic developmentの用例

All of four African countries with high expectations for economic development Foreign Minister Motegi has visited are located at important geopolitical points.

At the end of the TICAD 5, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the leaders of African nations pledged to promote private sector-led economic development in Africa to further facilitate the continent’s qualitative growth.

In anticipation of increased crude oil prices due to heightened demand resulting from the economic development of emerging nations, speculative money flooded into the oil market.

Regarding Okinawa Prefecture, the fiscal 2015 budget for aiding the economic development of Okinawa was trimmed to ¥330 billion due to some money left unused in earlier years.

South Korean and Chinese shipbuilders rapidly increased their shipbuilding capacity to tap into the growing global ocean shipping demand spurred by economic development in emerging countries.

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