
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

economic growth

経済成長 経済発展 景気浮揚 景気 経済成長率 成長 (=growth of the economy)

economic growthの関連語句

economic growthの用例

Air pollution has become a serious problem in China as a result of the country’s focus on economic growth above all else by ignoring environmental protection measures.

A shift to domestic demand-led economic growth has long been called for.

China’s serious air pollution problem shows the limit of the country’s focus on economic growth above all else.

China’s shadow banks have financially contributed to the country’s rapid economic growth from behind the scenes by raising small-lot funds to finance local industrial development.

Chinese Xi administration will have to get serious about dealing with expanding income and other disparities, corruption in high-ranking officials, and environmental destruction that have accompanied rapid economic growth.

European countries put priority on fiscal reconstruction while the United States attaches importance to economic growth.

If Japan overcomes deflation and achieves economic growth, tax revenues would increase, which could lead to fiscal reconstruction.

Indonesia, an ASEAN member nation, has benefited from the so-called “demographic bonus” that refers to a situation in which an increase in the working-age population spurs economic growth.

Indonesia has enjoyed decent economic growth since the global financial crisis of 2008 due to the U.S. FRB’s quantitative easing and higher prices of primary commodities such as coal and palm oil as the country’s major exports.

Japan should find a new source of economic growth to cope with the appreciation of the yen.

LDP leader Shinzo Abe is taking a position focusing more on economic growth and expenditure cuts rather than tax increases.

Leaders of the Group of Eight industrial nations laid out the policy of balancing economic growth and the restoration of fiscal health.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda plans to realize economic growth through the Japan revitalization strategy.

Private-sector firms are key players in the pursuit of economic growth and they are needed to contribute to facilitating a positive growth cycle through such measures as using their internal reserves for capital investment and wage increases.

Restarting nuclear reactors is indispensable for Japan to achieve economic growth even if it’s a desperate measure.

South Korea’s new President Park Geun-hye will have to live up to her campaign pledge that she can return the country to strong economic growth.

The fiscal tightening from across-the-board spending cuts and from higher taxes will slow economic growth to an anemic 1.4 percent by the end of 2013, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

The government and the BOJ should step up their vigilance against the worse of the domestic economy and make all-out efforts to revive economic growth.

The key to economic growth for an aging society with a declining birthrate lies in how to put the abilities of women and elderly people into full play.

The leaders of China are pressured to shore up the country’s economic expansion by implementing sweeping reforms as its economic growth decelerated in the final quarter of 2013 and is expected to slow further.

The United States, which has recovered its economic growth, is reducing quantitative monetary easing.

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