
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

economic recovery

景気回復 経済再生 (=business recovery, economic improvement, economic revival, economic upturn;⇒slowdown in the economic recovery)

economic recoveryの関連語句

economic recoveryの用例

As improvement in the U.S. employment situation has remained slow, the country’s full-fledged economic recovery is uncertain.

A stable stock market would heighten people’s expectations for economic recovery, leading to rises in real demand for capital investment and personal spending.

Central banks should control money in circulation not to induce a change in exchange rates, but to stabilize domestic prices and bring about economic recoveries.

Companies are generally willing to take on more new hires due to signs of economic recovery, while major companies remain highly selective.

Domestic sales will inevitably remain sluggish on a long-term basis in spite of the prospect of economic recovery thanks to Abenomics.

Economic recovery is on the horizon, but the employment situation remains severe.

For an economic recovery to occur, oil prices must fall, and exports to the United States should recover.

In his State of the Union address delivered on January 28, 2014, Obama proposed minimum wage hikes in consideration of low-income earners who have not yet benefited from the economic recovery, while referring to the expansion of job opportunities with the TPP free trade agreement and immigration reform.

In keeping with the economic recovery, more people are drinking Taruzume-nama beer (barreled draft beer) at beer gardens and other places this year.

In spite of economic recovery, university students and others set to graduate in spring 2015 cannot be overly optimistic in job hunting activities as major firms remain highly selective.

It is difficult for European countries to ensure fiscal discipline and attach importance to growth strategies in order to realize economic recovery.

Japan must prevent the excessive strength of the yen from becoming the status quo due to the turmoil in Europe as Japan has yet to experience a full-fledged economic recovery.

Overtime work has increased along with the economic recovery, so workers are forced to use their early morning hours for personal activities, rather than at night.

Priority should be given to public spending, to establish a firm foundation for economic recovery and the subsequent job of tackling fiscal reform.

The Abe administration has focused on putting the economic recovery on a firm footing to help the economy break free from more than 15 years of deflation.

The Abe administration has positioned educational reform as an important issue to be tackled along with economic recovery.

The Abe administration, which emphasizes the revitalization of the economy, tackles the task of realizing economic recovery alongside fiscal rehabilitation.

The current pace of Japan’s economic recovery has gradually becoming more buoyant than before.

The economic recovery observed after the spring of 1999 was the shortest of its kind since the end of World War II.

The firm is considering revising its sales forecast upward with the prospect of economic recovery.

The government and the Bank of Japan must conclude pragmatic policy accords to defeat deflation and achieve an economic recovery.

The latest price rises are seen as reflecting the process of economic recovery led by personal consumption.

The Liberal Democratic Party needs to provide more detailed explanations of what kind of road map to economic recovery the party is going to draw.

The unemployment of the United States hovers at a high level and its economic recovery has been delayed while the U.S. fiscal deficit has topped $1 trillion for four consecutive years.

To defeat deflation and achieve an economic recovery, it is necessary to restore a process that allows funds made available as a result of the BOJ’s monetary easing to be used as loans for plant and equipment investments to expand corporate profits and jobs.

Uncertainties surrounding economic recovery are making Japanese companies cautious about capital investment.

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