
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

economies of speed

スピードの経済 スピードの経済性 エコノミー・オブ・スピード (=economy of speed)

economies of speedの関連語句

economies of speedの用例

Asian economies including Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand were initially inundated with massive amounts of inbound capital and then experienced equally massive outflows of capital, between 1996 and the autumn of 1997.

At the 18th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP18) held in Doha, only the confrontation between industrialized nations and emerging and developing economies over measures to take for global warming was noteworthy.

If the financial crisis in Europe worsens, exports from China and other emerging economies to Europe will slow down.

Japan’s exports and production have been reduced because of the slowdown of foreign economies and the worsening of relations with China.

Many economies across the globe have been slowing down due to European fiscal and financial crisis and the Japanese economy has faced similar downward pressure.

Price competition among automakers is severe in newly emerging economies.

The 10 ASEAN economies have a population of 600 million and combined GDP in 2012 of $2.3 trillion, which is equivalent to 28 percent of the comparable figure for China.

The economic growth of China and other Asian economies is remarkable.

The eurozone’s three biggest economies, Germany, France and Italy, will not grow at all.

The Financial Stability Board set up by the Group of 20 major economies (G20) unveiled a list of 28 global systematically important banks including the three Japanese megabanks of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. and Mizuho Financial Group Inc.

The Greek crisis would spread to other eurozone economies and jeopardize the foundation of the European economy if the crisis once again spills over to Spain and Italy.

The Group of 20 economies wrapped up a two-day meeting with a joint statement strongly warning against currency wars.

The joint statement of financial ministers and central bank chiefs of the Group of 20 economies did not single out Japan for its monetary and fiscal policies.

The leaders of the BRICS’ five rising economies agreed to move toward creating a new development bank to help developing world.

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