
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

elderly people

高齢者 お年寄り (=the elderly)

elderly peopleの関連語句

elderly peopleの用例

Elderly people aged 65 or more who have already received their first dose in their local municipality will not be eligible to receive a second dose at the mass inoculation sites of Tokyo and Osaka Prefecture.

Elderly people and people with chronic illness who have been forced to lead uncomfortable lives at evacuation centers are more susceptible to falling into poor health.

Elderly people who are 75 and older with a certain level of income will bear a heavier burden in fees paid at medical institutions.

Elderly people will be able to extend their healthy life span if they can set up an appropriate rhythm of daily life by taking part in social activities.

In 2040, due to the accelerated graying of the population in big cities, elderly people are projected to be more than 30 percent of the population in all 47 prefectures.

In frailty checkup for elderly people, the subject’s lifestyle, social activities and so forth will be examined to take a more multifaceted look at the causes of mental and physical deterioration.

In order to identify any decline in the physical and mental health of elderly people aged 75 or older at an early stage and try to remedy it, the Health, Labor and Welfare will introduce medical checkup for frailty from 2020 fiscal year.

In promoting digitization in society, we need to give consideration to elderly people who are not familiar with digital devices.

The key to economic growth for an aging society with a declining birthrate lies in how to put the abilities of women and elderly people into full play.

The revised basic law on disaster countermeasures obliges municipalities to make efforts to draw up individual evacuation plans for people vulnerable to disasters who have difficulty escaping disasters by themselves, including elderly and disabled people.

The ways of handling the health data of elderly people will also change in tandem with the introduction of the medical checkup for frailty and local governments will be able to utilize the health data of people aged 75 or older in an integrated manner from 2020 fiscal year.

To build a sustainable social security system, the government will raise the percentage of out-of-pocket payments paid at hospitals by elderly people aged 75 or older from 10% to 20%, for single-person households with an annual income of ¥2 million or more.

Watami Co. is considering selling its nursing care business for elderly people to improve its financial health deteriorating due to the sluggish mainstay izakaya operations.

Within fiscal 2022, the government will raise the ratio of out-of-pocket medical expenses paid by elderly people aged 75 or older.

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