
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

election campaign

選挙運動 選挙活動 選挙戦 遊説 (⇒decreasing birth rate, ruling名詞)

election campaignの関連語句

election campaignの用例

Ahead of the election campaign, the ruling parties are going to emphasize their positive stance toward the national civil servant system reform.

A tax hike proposal has been believed to adversely affect individual parties’ election campaigns.

If effective measures to prevent the Internet from distorting fair elections and having an adverse impact on their outcome are not implemented, the ban on the use of the Internet in election campaigns might be partially lifted.

If general voters are also allowed to engage in election campaigns via the Internet, anyone will be able to send an e-mail calling for support for a certain candidate, which may lead to rampant negative campaigns in which voters slander candidates they oppose.

If the use of the Internet is liberalized in election campaigns, the Internet can serve as a means for candidates’ swift rebuttal when negative information is circulated about them.

In the Italian general election of February 2013, the Five Star Movement (M5S) headed by popular comedian Beppe Grillo staged an Internet-based election campaign to rail against the political corruption of the traditional parties and it became the second-largest party in terms of the number of votes obtained.

In the ongoing election campaign for the House of Representatives, the ruling and opposition camps are waging a fierce war of words over the current state of employment.

Political parties must show their concrete steps for defeating deflation in the election campaign.

Prior to the start of the official campaign period for the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election, the de facto election campaign is already overheating, and the presidents and senior officials of political parties are running to and fro in Tokyo.

The use of the Internet in election campaigns will help galvanize young people’s interest in politics as low voter turnout among people in their 20s has become a concern, while Japanese voters living overseas will probably feel closer to politics at home.

We can’t keep our eyes off the presidential election campaigns of the LDP and the DPJ as we want to know who is most likely to win.

With the aim of lifting a ban on the use of the Internet in election campaigns for this summer’s upper house election, the LDP has compiled a bill to revise the Public Offices Election Law.

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