英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
electronics maker
家電メーカー 電機メーカー 家電 電機 (=home electronics manufacturer)
electronics makerの用例
Along with the deterioration of business performance, the electronics maker has withdrawn ¥61 billion from its deferred tax assets.
Among major electronics makers, Toshiba and Hitachi downsized their TV and mobile phone production businesses by quickly implementing structural reforms after recording huge losses.
During the era of cathode-ray tube TVs, televisions used to be a symbol of the sophisticated technologies of Japanese electronics makers.
Japanese electronics makers are needed to shrug off the adversity of economic slowdowns overseas, a strongly appreciating yen, and ever-intensifying competition with foreign rivals by wielding their latent power.
Japanese TV products stormed the world market during the era of cathode-ray tube TVs. But Japanese electronics makers were defeated in the flat-screen TV race.
Major electronics makers such as NEC and Fujitsu are not keeping up in the race to develop products for the global market and this trouble makes it difficult to regain footing.
Many Japanese electronics makers have withdrawn from the TV market, but some domestic manufacturers which have maintained their TV businesses have transferred their production bases overseas.
Some companies are making record profits while automakers and electronics makers are posting huge losses amid the global economic slowdown.
The three electronics makers implemented business reforms, mainly streamlining of TV production businesses which had been the main cause of their losses.
Through the spin-off of domestic sales operations, the struggling electronics maker will downsize administrative and accounting operations as well as consolidate sales offices.
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