
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

eligible for

〜の資格がある 〜を受ける資格がある 〜の対象である 〜にふさわしい

eligible forの関連語句

eligible forの用例

Freelancers who don’t belong to companies are not eligible for generous benefits because the current social security system is designed mainly for company employees.

Housing construction showed a steady undertone in December. This is because housing construction eligible for the eco-point system was required to start no later than Oct. 31 and the effects of a last-minute surge in demand could be seen.

In the planned revision of the Comprehensive Legal Support Law, the victims of domestic violence or stalking are included among those eligible for the Japan Legal Support Center’s legal consultation services.

JISART comprising 26 private-sector fertility clinics nationwide began offering in vitro fertilization services by laying down a set of guidelines for artificial insemination, including the age of women eligible for ovum donation.

Those people who paid their fines at least three years ago as of October 21, 2019 were eligible for the pardons.

Unless financial support such as farm subsidies is limited to large-scale farmers fully engaged in agriculture, the consolidation of farmland is unlikely to make headway under a uniform support system as small-scale farmers will not give up their farms so they can remain eligible for subsidies.

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