
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

emergency loan

緊急融資 つなぎ融資

emergency loanの関連語句

emergency loanの用例

As the fifth wave of new coronavirus infections is approaching its end, the government has decided to lift the declaration of a state of emergency now in effect in 19 prefectures, together with [along with] pre-emergency [semi-emergency] coronavirus measures in place in 8 other prefectures.

By the increase in defense spending, China is bolstering its capabilities to deny access by the U.S. military to waters around China in times of an emergency in the Taiwan Strait.

China’s dangerous actions such as the use of fire control radar could cause an emergency.

In response to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 infections, local governments under the state of emergency have requested restaurants to shorten their business hours and close by 8 p.m.

It is still difficult for the large G-20 to swiftly respond to such emergencies as rapid fluctuations in exchange markets.

Liberia’s President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will lift a state of emergency imposed to control an Ebola outbreak which has ravaged the country.

Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga declared a state of emergency in Tokyo and other three prefectures on Ja. 7, 2021, in response to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 infections.

Self-driving taxis have drivers on board, but they only operate the steering wheel in emergencies.

The mobility of U.S. marines in times of emergency would be enhanced by the U.S. deployment of new MV-22 Osprey transport aircraft to Okinawa Prefecture.

The sinking disaster of a South Korean ferry resulted from inadequate safety awareness of the company operating the vessel, its captain and his crew, in combination with their poor and unskilled response to the emergency.

To cope with protests that have stirred up violent attacks, Thailand’s government declared a state of emergency in Bangkok and surrounding areas.

emergency loan

緊急融資 救援融資 つなぎ融資

emergency loanの用例

Greece must avert a crippling debt default by securing billions of dollars in emergency loans from European countries and the IMF.

The U.S. Federal Reserve Board will provide up to $85 billion in an emergency loan to rescue the huge insurer American International Group Inc.

Two domestic carriers have been given a total of ¥85 billion in emergency loans by the governmental Development Bank of Japan to overcome losses caused by a downturn in airline passengers as a result of the Iraq war and SARS outbreak.

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