
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

emerging economies

新興経済国 新興経済地域 新興経済群 新興国経済 新興国 (=emerging nations, emerging economic players;⇒economic growth, Group of 20 [Group-20] financial chiefs)

emerging economiesの用例

Automakers are boosting operations in China and other emerging economies.

Before the G-20 meeting, representatives from emerging economies expressed concern that the Abe administration’s economic policy dubbed as Abenomics, which involves bold monetary easing and an active fiscal stimulus package, is aimed at the depreciation of the yen.

Demand for resources in emerging economies is on the rise.

Despite the conflicting interests of developed and developing countries, including emerging economies, we must push ahead measures to tackle climate change with international cooperation.

Due to the European financial crisis, Mitsubishi Motors Corp. will terminate production in the Netherlands and focus on emerging economies where demand is robust.

Emerging economies, including China which is the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gas, should assume their fair share of responsibility for reducing the emissions.

Given this, advanced countries and emerging economies should strengthen their cooperation in trying to respond to the current serious financial crisis.

If the financial crisis in Europe worsens, exports from China and other emerging economies to Europe will slow down.

In light of complaints from emerging economies that a glut of speculative funds due to monetary easing measures taken by advanced countries have caused the appreciation of their currencies and asset inflation, the G-20 participants agreed that they will monitor and minimize the negative ripple effects of their respective financial policies.

Japanese corporations also must be on alert for any slowdown in the emerging economies, including the Chinese economy.

Sony maintains its No. 3 position in the global smartphone market, but makers of low-priced models in China and other emerging economies have also been closing in.

Speculative money has poured into emerging economies, causing an appreciation of their currencies and asset inflation because of drastic monetary easing by Japan, the United States and Europe.

The negotiations on a new greenhouse gas reduction framework between developed countries and such emerging economies as China have a tough road ahead.

The positive effects of the yen’s depreciation have not yet fully appeared, but sluggish increases in exports in the future due to a slowdown in the economic growth of emerging economies are worried about by some economists.

To increase exports, Japanese manufacturers must develop attractive products of high added value and find ways to capitalize on growing markets in the emerging economies of Asia and other regions.

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