
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

emissions of carbon dioxide


emissions of carbon dioxideの関連語句

emissions of carbon dioxideの用例

As a new greenhouse gas reduction framework to replace the Kyoto Protocol is to be implemented in 2020, the participating countries agreed to present their voluntary greenhouse gas emission targets for the years beyond 2020 in 2015.

At the COP 19 held in Warsaw, the Japanese government expressed its new goal of reducing its domestic greenhouse gas emissions by 3.8 percent from the fiscal 2005 level by the end of fiscal 2020.

At the 19th Conference on Climate Change (COP19) in Warsaw, advanced countries, including Japan, called on developing countries to adopt the stance of reducing emissions on their own initiative.

Beijing’s air pollution, which is approaching a level unsuitable for inhabitation, is mainly caused by vehicle emissions and soot produced when burning coal at factories.

Developing countries assert that advanced countries have emitted a massive amount of greenhouse gas with their industrial production. But the total amount of emissions from developing countries as a whole has topped the total amount for advanced countries now.

Emerging economies, including China which is the world’s biggest emitter of greenhouse gas, should assume their fair share of responsibility for reducing the emissions.

In the COP18, emerging and developing countries called on the industrialized nations to increase their financial support for their efforts to reduce emissions. But the industrialized nations, mired in their own fiscal problems, responded negatively, thereby kicking the can down the road.

The Kyoto Protocol, which the United States has not ratified, obliges only the industrialized nations including Japan and EU member nations to reduce greenhouse emissions.

The new LDP government is required to set a realistic target for cuts in greenhouse gas emissions to replace the current one and reshape a strategy for international negotiations on this matter.

emissions of carbon dioxide

二酸化炭素の排出量 (⇒Kyoto Protocol)

emissions of carbon dioxideの用例

The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by thermal power plants comprises about 30 percent of total emissions of carbon dioxide in the nation.

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