
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

engage in

〜に関係する 〜に参加する 〜に従事する 〜に携わる 〜に取り組む 〜に就(つ)く 〜に没頭する 〜に打ち込む 〜を行う 〜に加わる

engage inの関連語句

engage inの用例

An executive of the Bank of England, Britain’s central bank, is suspected to have pressured Barclays to engage in the Libor rate manipulation.

Around the Senkaku Islands in Okinawa Prefecture, China has engaged in repeated provocations against Japan.

Diplomats are prohibited from engaging in commercial activities for the purpose of their personal profits under the Vienna Convention’s Article 42.

Haruko Obokata, the lead author of Nature articles about STAP cells, has filed a complaint against RIKEN’s conclusion that she engaged in misconduct.

If general voters are also allowed to engage in election campaigns via the Internet, anyone will be able to send an e-mail calling for support for a certain candidate, which may lead to rampant negative campaigns in which voters slander candidates they oppose.

The European Commission, the executive body of the EU, called for its member nations to conduct a fact-finding survey based on suspicions that carmakers other than Volkswagen have also engaged in wrongdoing.

The first secretary at the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo is suspected of engaging in espionage activities in Japan.

The first secretary of the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo is alleged to have illegally used his alien registration card and engaged in espionage.

The five justice of the First Petty Bench of the top court engaged in heated discussions.

Under the new residential status system for foreign workers holding specified skills, which was introduced in 2019, foreigners are allowed to engage in unskilled labor in 14 categories of industry, such as construction and nursing care.

We [The Company] shall never run [engage in] advertisements of a libelousness nature with respect to others.

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