
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

engaged in

〜に従事している 〜に携わっている 〜に関わっている 〜を担当する 〜で忙しい 〜を営む 〜を展開している

engaged inの関連語句

engaged inの用例

As China is continuing to make its presence felt by sending surveillance ships to waters near the Senkakus, the Japan Coast Guard is engaged in vigilance and surveillance activities on a 24-hour basis.

Each DPJ group has been engaged in an increasing amount of intraparty wheeling and dealing.

In the Gulf of Aden through which about 1,600 Japan-related ships pass annually, escort vessels and patrol planes of the Maritime Self-Defense Force are engaged in operations to clamp down on piracy.

Japanese companies are engaged in a domestic war of attrition.

The Ground Self-Defense Force engineering unit is engaged in U.N. peacekeeping operations in South Sudan by closely cooperating with local people.

The OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons), which is engaged in its challenging mission of overseeing the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons, worked largely out of the limelight before the OPCW won the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize.

The Osaka city assembly passed Japan’s first anti-hate speech ordinance on January 15, 2016, under which if a particular person or group is judged to have been engaged in hate speech, its name will be posted on the city’s website.

Unless financial support such as farm subsidies is limited to large-scale farmers fully engaged in agriculture, the consolidation of farmland is unlikely to make headway under a uniform support system as small-scale farmers will not give up their farms so they can remain eligible for subsidies.

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