equal footing

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

equal footing

対等の立場 対等の関係 同等の関係 同等の条件

equal footingの関連語句

equal footingの用例

If Beijing aims to build a relationship of coexistence on an equal footing with the United States, it must fulfill the responsibilities commensurate to a major power.

Major electronics makers such as NEC and Fujitsu are not keeping up in the race to develop products for the global market and this trouble makes it difficult to regain footing.

The Abe administration has focused on putting the economic recovery on a firm footing to help the economy break free from more than 15 years of deflation.

The government should have the two financial units compete on an equal footing with the private sector financial institutions during the transition period.

We need to forge a solid footing and now isn’t the time to turn to overseas markets.

equal footing

対等の立場 対等の関係 同等の関係 同等の条件

equal footingの関連語句

equal footingの用例

If Beijing aims to build a relationship of coexistence on an equal footing with the United States, it must fulfill the responsibilities commensurate to a major power.

The government should have the two financial units compete on an equal footing with the private sector financial institutions during the transition period.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報





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