
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

equity holding

株式保有 株式所有 保有株式 持ち株 出資比率 (=shareholding, stock holding, stockholding)

equity holdingの関連語句

equity holdingの用例

According to the IMF’s Global Financial Stability Report, Japanese banks’ JGB holdings would rise to 30 percent of their total assets in 2017 from 24 percent in 2011.

U.S. equity fund KKR is likely to procure shares to be issued by Renesas as an allocation to a third party to become the biggest shareholder, with an equity holding of more than 50 percent.

equity holding

株式保有 株式所有 保有株式 持ち株 出資比率 (=shareholding, stock holding, stockholding)

equity holdingの用例

U.S. equity fund KKR is likely to procure shares to be issued by Renesas as an allocation to a third party to become the biggest shareholder, with an equity holding of more than 50 percent.

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