
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

equivalent to

〜に相当する 〜に当たる 〜分の 〜と同等[同価値・同量]の 〜規模の

equivalent toの用例

As the issue of food waste, as much as 6.43 million tons of still-edible [still-eatable] food is thrown away each year in Japan, which is equivalent to more than a rice ball a day for every single person.

Britain will be treated as equivalent to a member state of the EU until the end of December 2020, although Britain left the EU at the end of January 2020.

China’s shadow banking system is said to have an outstanding loan total equivalent to more than 400 trillion yen.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and the two Japanese banks hold preferred shares equivalent to 70 percent of Sanyo.

If the exchange rate remains around ¥90 to the dollar for the next 12 months, income equivalent to 0.6 percent of Japan’s GDP will flow overseas mainly due to higher fuel imports stemming from the suspension of nuclear power reactors.

In a deal called “salary factoring,” a financial operator buys the right to receive the salary of a customer, which becomes a claim, and then gives the customer cash after deducting a commission. And when the customer receives his or her salary at a later date, the customer pays the operator the amount equivalent to the claim.

In new sovereign debt ratings by Germany’s Bertelsmann Foundation, Japan earned a score of 6 on a scale of one to ten, equivalent to A minus on the rating scales adopted by major international ratings agencies.

In the spring labor-management wage negotiations, the company will likely accept its workers demand for bonuses equivalent to 6.8 months’ wage annually, an average of ¥2.44 million.

Japanese companies’ direct investment in Southeast Asia in the first half of 2013 posted a fourfold year-on-year jump to about ¥1 trillion, equivalent to twice as high as China-bound investment.

Japan’s public debt burden is the worst among advanced economies and the combined deficit of the central and local governments for fiscal 2013 is expected to swell to a level of equivalent to 6.9 percent of GDP.

PM (particulate matter) 2.5 is the general term for the microparticle substances with a diameter of up to 2.5 micrometers (one micrometer is equivalent to one-thousandth of a millimeter).

The 10 ASEAN economies have a population of 600 million and combined GDP in 2012 of $2.3 trillion, which is equivalent to 28 percent of the comparable figure for China.

The consumption tax in Japan is equivalent to value-added taxes in European nations.

The government couldn’t secure fiscal resources of ¥38 trillion, equivalent to 40 percent of projected state revenue, due to the scrapping of the special bill on issuance of deficit-covering government bonds in the ordinary Diet.

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