
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

even if [though]

たとえ〜だとしても 〜であるとしても 仮に〜の場合でも

even if [though]の用例

As to minimum wage hikes Obama proposed, he will issue an executive order to raise the wages of some federal contract workers even if the GOP refuse to raise minimum wages.

Even if management turns down the specific demands of shareholders, it has a responsibility to present reasonable policy and continue dialogue with them.

People in the old days gained wisdom through their experiences in daily life even though they had no scientific evidence.

Restarting nuclear reactors is indispensable for Japan to achieve economic growth even if it’s a desperate measure.

The government’s goal of achieving a surplus in the primary balance by fiscal 2020 will be difficult to achieve even if Japan realizes a high nominal economic growth rate of more than 3 percent, if the current government expenditure structure is maintained.

There is a contractual clause stipulating that Japanese PC makers will take no legal action even if Microsoft Corp.’s technologies are deemed to violate their patents.

There some cases in which employees receive no overtime pay even though they work more than 100 hours of overtime per month.

We can cancel a contract unconditionally within a cooling-off period even if it is signed with an unethical trader.

While company employees are protected by labor laws and rules, freelancers as sole proprietors are not covered. For example, they are not entitled to workers’ compensation even if they are injured in the course of their duties.

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