
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

event-driven fund

イベント・ドリブン型ファンド (国際会議や要人の来日などの重要なイベントに合わせて株価変動の予測を立て、株式を売買する手法)

event-driven fundの関連語句

event-driven fundの用例

According to a draft of new guidelines compiled by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, junior high school students will be allowed to bring smartphones and mobile phones to school to use them for emergency contact such as in the event of a disaster.

A favorable cycle of events has begun to emerge, with strong performances leading to an increase in jobs and higher wage, resulting in boosts in consumption.

After North Korea failed to launch its missile in April 2012, the U.N. Security Council issued a presidential statement and warned that it would “take action accordingly” in the event of another launch or a nuclear test.

All these events are part of a larger strategy of our asset management.

A series of school events such as a school picnic and a sports festival give children a chance to learn how to behave in a group.

“Candidature files” contain the candidate cities’ detailed plans to host the Olympics and Paralympics, which cover 14 issues including basic philosophy, finance, events, venues and transportation.

If Tokyo edges out competition in hosting the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, Tokyo may be forced to spice it up with a brand-new selling point in addition to its ability to manage major events smoothly and safely.

In China, events celebrating Japan-China ties have been canceled or suspended one after another since Japan nationalized the Senkakus.

In contrast to the glowing touches put into place for the opening of the sports event, the Sochi Winter Olympics is under tight security against an Islamist radical group’s terrorist attacks.

In response to the infection spread of the new coronavirus, temporary closures of schools and voluntary restraint in holding large-scale events have been put in place in Japan.

In the celestial event of the Geminid meteor shower across the nation, about 10 shooting stars were visible to the naked eye every hour in central Tokyo.

In the event of a severe heat wave, the government may enforce planned blackouts or impose electricity usage restrictions.

In the event of figure skating at the Sochi Winter Olympics, Yuzuru Hanyu stood out among powerful competitors such as Yevgeny Plushenko, who won the gold medal at the 2006 Turin Olympics.

In the master plan Tokyo submitted to the International Olympic Committee, Tokyo emphasized its ability to host major international events smoothly and safely.

In the opening event of the 2013 ISU Grand Prix of Figure Skating series, Mao Asada had a few bobbles but did well enough to win the title.

In the Special Olympics, there are 21 events including track and field, swimming and soccer in the summer games, while seven events including alpine skiing are held in winter.

Nomura Securities Co. and Tohmatsu Venture Support Co. hold early morning business meeting events every week, which start at 7 a.m., to bridge major and start-up companies.

On field days held in spring or autumn by many schools, red and white teams compete against each other for scores in events such as footraces and tug-of-war.

Sara Takanashi, a genius 17-year-old ski jumper, won the nineteenth Women’s World Cup ski jumping events with 245.2 points, while Austria’s Daniela Iraschko-Stolz was runner-up for the second day in a row by scoring 238.4 points.

The aging of small business owners may prove to be a turn of events in the Japanese economy.

The draft of the government’s new growth strategy includes the hosting of cultural events in major Asian cities to promote Japanese fashion and lifestyle.

The event for this milestone anniversary was scaled back to prevent infection with the new coronavirus.

The Geminid meteor shower, the winter celestial event, decorated the night sky across the nation.

The G7 has reached a major turn of events in that the latest meeting held in Canada did not release a joint communique for the first time in 12.5 years

The Japanese delegation of 113 athletes to the Sochi Olympic Games includes some gold medal hopefuls such as figure skaters Mao Asada and Yuzuru Hanyu, in addition to Sara Takanashi who will compete in the Olympics’ first women’s ski jumping event.

The Japan-U.S. acquisition and cross servicing agreement (ACSA) has been updated so that U.S. forces and the SDF can exchange food and fuel not only during peacetime, but also in the event of a crisis.

The levels of difficulty failed to be evaluated correctly in the men’s team gymnastics events.

The plans for the new National Stadium will be reconsidered from square one, including its design and construction cost, to make the 2020 Olympics an event that will be celebrated by all the people.

To pay tribute to retiring Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, Hillary Clinton joined her husband, former President Bill Clinton, in the Harkin Steak Fry event and stood before more than 6,000 Democratic Party activists who form the backbone of Iowa’s presidential campaign.

To prepare for unpredictable events by anti-Japan demonstrators, the Japanese government will strongly press the Chinese government to ensure the safety of Japanese people and Japanese-affiliated companies in China.

Unpredictable events such as a coup d’état or military provocation may happen due to the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il.

Yuzuru Hanyu, who won the gold medal in the event of figure skating at the Sochi Winter Olympics, stood on a stage set up on a large vehicle along with members of the figure skating club of Tohoku High School, his alma mater.

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