
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

evidence to the contrary

反対の証拠 反証

evidence to the contraryの関連語句

evidence to the contraryの用例

Accumulating objective evidence is important to get to the bottom of the case by avoiding strong-arm investigations.

A police officer killed two people and set fire to their house to destroy evidence.

A retrial will be granted as there was so much evidence that indicated the accused was not guilty.

French investigative authorities are poring over DNA evidence that has been painstakingly collected from the debris of Germanwings Flight 9525 at the crash site.

It is more difficult for investigative authorities to obtain material evidence and eyewitness accounts as time passes.

It is very difficult to hand down guilty rulings on cases lacking a defendant’s confession or direct evidence.

Judges can’t make correct judgments if evidence in defense of a defendant isn’t disclosed in court.

Many articles of circumstantial evidence such as eyewitness testimonies suggested the suspect was suspicious.

Members of the committee for the inquest of prosecution, who are chosen from ordinary citizens, make their decisions based on evidence and other materials submitted by prosecutors whether prosecutors’ decision to drop a case was proper.

No evidence proving the forcible recruitment of comfort women by the military or other government authorities has been found up to now.

People in the old days gained wisdom through their experiences in daily life even though they had no scientific evidence.

Police and investigators can collect material evidence in addition to statements from suspects by such investigative methods as wiretapping and sting operations.

The ballot-counting process for the 2020 U.S. presidential election is unfair and corrupt, Trump said at the White House without backing up his claims with any details or evidence.

The high court ruling can be a good reference for drawing conclusions from circumstantial evidence.

The investigation headquarters will analyze data in the suspect’s computer, which has been seized as evidence, to look for signs of the production of a virus to operate other people’s computers by remote control.

The Osaka High Court had no other option than handing down a not-guilty ruling as there was no evidence pointing to the defendant as the real culprit in a May 2008 murder.

The Osaka Prefectural Police have mislaid documents and other evidence from investigations linked to about 4,300 criminal cases at 61 of their 65 police stations, and the statute of limitations for those cases had already lapsed while the documents and evidence sat abandoned.

The prosecutors submitted the victim’s datebook as evidence.

The Supreme Court outlined the criteria for finding the accused guilty based on indirect evidence only in an April 2010 decision over the 2002 murder of a mother and her child.

The Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office decided not to indict the man due to lack of evidence.

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission concluded there was not enough evidence that a Sony-BMG merger would violate U.S. antitrust laws.

The 33-year-old defendant said he did not slay the 7-year-old girl, while prosecutors said his confession during the investigation stage was credible and that there were many pieces of evidence linking him to the victim.

We must dispel the international community’s misunderstandings on the comfort women issue so long as no evidence proving the forcible recruitment of them has been found.

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