
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

federal spending

連邦政府支出 連邦政府の支出 連邦支出 政府支出

federal spendingの用例

A “small government” which Romney advocates refers to a policy line that would attempt to boost the economy with a variety of tax cuts and regulatory easing while drastically cutting back on federal spending.

By emphasizing the correction of income disparities, the U.S. Democratic Party has staked out a position that will not cut federal spending for the underprivileged, including low-income earners and senior citizens.

Federal spending for the nine months to date totaled $1.62 trillion, a 6.9 percent increase from the corresponding period in the previous fiscal year.

If automatic spending cuts are launched on March 1, 2013 as scheduled, the cuts dubbed as the “sequester” would reduce federal spending across the board by $85 billion for one year, with the total of reductions through 2022 amounting to about $1.2 trillion.

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