
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

feed-in tariff system

(再生可能エネルギーで発電した電気の)固定価格買取り制度 電力買取り補償制度 FIT

feed-in tariff systemの用例

A surprisingly large number have yet to flick the “on” switch among business operators awarded the right to generate electricity through renewable energy sources including solar power to sell it to power companies under the feed-in tariff system.

Mega solar plants account for the lion’s share of facilities approved under the feed-in tariff system, but more than 90 percent of them have not yet started generating power.

Renewable power-generating facilities approved by the end of May 2013 under the feed-in tariff system, which started in July 2012, had a total capacity of 22.4 million kilowatts, but they were only generating about 3 million kilowatts.

The purchase price for electricity generated by solar energy under the feed-in tariff system was lowered in April 2013 to about ¥38 per kilowatt-hour from the initially set ¥42.

Under the feed-in tariff system, the cost of purchasing renewable energy from licensed business operators will be added to electricity charges set by power utilities.

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