file a lawsuit

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

file a lawsuit

提訴する 告訴する 訴えを起こす 訴訟を起こす (=file a case, file a suit;⇒infringe on)

file a lawsuitの関連語句

file a lawsuitの用例

About 600 relatives of Sept.11 victims filed a lawsuit seeking more than $100 trillion from the Sudanese government and Saudi officials, banks and charities, charging they financed Osama bin Laden’s network and the attacks on the United States.

Establishing original edition rights would enable publishing companies to file lawsuits demanding the deletion of data if pirated copies are found to be sold on the Internet.

On behalf of people suffering financial damages from malicious sales practices, the government decided to create a new law for filing lawsuits by qualified consumer organizations.

Under the current Copyright Law, individual writers who own the copyright of their original works have to file lawsuits themselves when illegal digital copies of their works are sold.

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