
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

fiscal condition(s)

財政状況 財政状態 財政事情 財政政策

fiscal condition(s)の関連語句

fiscal condition(s)の用例

According to the short-term quarterly survey of business sentiment compiled by the BOJ in September 2012, the diffusion index for large manufacturers’ current business conditions deteriorated for the first time in three quarters.

A Chinese defendant in the case involving the poisoning of Chinese frozen gyoza dumplings injected organic phosphate insecticide into packages of gyoza to push for better working conditions by causing a stir through the act.

As a condition for the territorial negotiations, Noda told Putin that consideration should be paid to public sentiment in Japan.

Black companies which compel young employees to work under brutal conditions have become a social problem.

Currently 653 disaster base hospitals designated by cities, towns and villages are responsible for providing emergency care to patients in serious condition, functioning as headquarters for disaster medical assistance teams from across the country.

Cyprus may default on its debts if it is not be able to meet the conditions for the financial bailout demanded by the EU.

Cyprus’s rejection of a proposed levy on bank deposits as a condition for a European financial bailout threw international efforts to rescue the casualty of the eurozone debt crisis into disarray.

Domestic economic conditions have entered a recessionary phase.

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which the BOJ will buy more, have a higher risk of loss in changing market conditions.

Exploitative firms referred to as black companies generally hire young workers en masse, assuming that most of them would eventually quit due to harsh working conditions.

Hayabusa-2 is in tip-top condition and is continuing its flight in a satisfactory manner.

If troubles arise, such as a breakdown at the Oi nuclear power plant, the supply-demand conditions will quickly become tight and rolling blackouts may occur.

In continuing Afghan aid, fiscal conditions are severe in every donor country.

In Myanmar, as many as 140 World War II Spitfire fighter planes are believed to be buried in near-pristine condition.

In Russia, political reform such as easing conditions for running in elections is necessary to eliminate public distrust of politics.

Making the necessary legal arrangements so that local governments can choose autonomous systems appropriate to their conditions is consistent with the aim of decentralization.

May 1st is May Day, a day for workers, and is celebrated around the world, and workers rally and march to call for pay raises and better conditions.

On condition of anonymity, a senior official of the Biden administration spoke to preview announcements before they have been made public.

Outraged with the envisioned taxation on bank deposits as a condition for the financial bailout by the EU and the IMF, Cypriots rushed to banks to withdraw money, which further fueled the chaos in Cyprus.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, U.S. officials said Syrian government forces have fired Scud missiles at insurgents, but there was no indication that chemical weapons were aboard the missiles.

Special health food products include some that are believed to help keep the digestive system in good condition.

Standard & Poor’s assigned a negative outlook to the rating on Spain’s debt、but it could be further downgraded if Spain’s economic conditions erode further.

The age of majority should be lowered to 18 from the current 20 on the condition that the voting age for national elections also be lowered to 18.

The disadvantages of renewable energy sources are that power output fluctuates widely depending on sunshine and wind conditions.

The drawbacks of renewable energy are its susceptibility to sharp fluctuations in output depending on weather conditions and other factors.

The EU and the IMF demanded Nicosia levy a tax on bank deposits as a condition for the bailout of Cyprus, and this led directly to the current disarray in the country.

The government must assist current business conditions through flexible fiscal measures, while at the same time working out medium-term fiscal reconstruction steps, in order to ensure compatibility between fiscal rebuilding and business recovery.

The Japanese economy is experiencing difficult conditions.

The planned increase of premiums for the compulsory auto insurance that every car owner must take out is attributed to the deteriorating financial condition of the insurance program.

The Seller agrees to sell, and the Buyer agrees to purchase, the Product, on the terms and conditions set forth herein.

To stop the shortage of obstetricians and gynecologists, working conditions must be improved.

Unless terminated in accordance with the conditions below, this agreement shall come into force as of Effective Date and continue for an indefinite duration.

Wage earners’ average overtime pay, a barometer of income conditions, rose 0.4 percent in September from the same month last year to ¥18,452.

Working conditions of taxi drivers must be urgently improved as their work hours are significantly longer and their wages are lower compared to workers in other industries.

fiscal condition(s)

財政状況 財政状態 財政事情 財政政策

fiscal condition(s)の関連語句

fiscal condition(s)の用例

Fiscal condition will deteriorate further.

In continuing Afghan aid, fiscal conditions are severe in every donor country.

National debt of more than ¥1 quadrillion is about twice the size of the gross domestic product, making the nation’s fiscal condition the worst among industrialized nations.

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