
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

fiscal plight

財政難 (carry backの項の文例参照)

fiscal plightの関連語句

fiscal plightの用例

According to a fiscal 2015 draft defense budget released by the Pentagon, the department will reduce spending related to the relocation of U.S. marines from Okinawa to Guam by $35 million to $51 million beginning in fiscal 2014, reflecting the U.S. government’s fiscal constraints.

According to the fiscal projection for the medium and long term compiled by the Cabinet Office, the primary balance of the central and local governments will fall into a deficit of ¥7.3 trillion in fiscal 2025 and will not achieve a primary surplus until fiscal 2029.

As fraudulent judging was revealed in the calligraphy section of the Nitten (Japan Fine Arts Exhibition), the Nitten has decided to not to award the top prizes in any of the five sections at the fiscal 2013 exhibition.

As the second significant increase following the 11.7 percent hike in fiscal 2011, premiums for the compulsory auto insurance will be increased by an average of 13.5 percent from April 2013.

At the COP 19 held in Warsaw, the Japanese government expressed its new goal of reducing its domestic greenhouse gas emissions by 3.8 percent from the fiscal 2005 level by the end of fiscal 2020.

Domestic three main LCCs plan to increase their respective fleets to 74 from the current combined total of 16 by the end of fiscal 2016.

In favorable settlements of accounts for fiscal 2013, companies one after another reported record high profits, buoyed by the weakening yen and a surge in demand just ahead of a hike in the consumption tax rate.

In the COP18, emerging and developing countries called on the industrialized nations to increase their financial support for their efforts to reduce emissions. But the industrialized nations, mired in their own fiscal problems, responded negatively, thereby kicking the can down the road.

Nursing care insurance premiums will rise to a national average of about ¥8,000 per month from the current ¥5,000 in fiscal 2025.

On the back of the weaker yen and brisk sales mainly in North America and Asia, Toyota expects to book group operating profit of ¥1.8 trillion for fiscal 2013.

The CBO said that the budget deficit for fiscal 2013 which ends Sep. 30 will shrink to $845 billion after four straight years above $1 trillion.

The compilation of the fiscal 2015 budget will start soon.

The government will make final judgments whether to go ahead with the commercial production of methane hydrate and seafloor hydrothermal deposits in fiscal 2018, based on the results of test drilling and investigation of the resources.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry will start a pilot program to provide counseling to non-obese people with high blood pressure from fiscal 2014.

The increase in fiscal 2011 budget requests is primarily attributed to debt-servicing costs of ¥24.1 trillion, an increase of ¥3.5 trillion from fiscal 2010.

The projected loss for fiscal 2012 ending March 31 compares with a net profit of ¥50 billion projected by the company two months ago.

The turnover rate of university graduates within three years of their graduation in fiscal 2009 was 51 percent in the hotel industry, while the utility industry marked 8.8 percent.

The U.S. budget deficit for fiscal 2013 will fall below $1 trillion for the first time under the Obama administration, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Toyota adjusted its fiscal 2012 operating balance on a nonconsolidated basis from a loss of ¥20 billion to a profit of ¥150 billion thanks to the weaker yen.

fiscal plight


fiscal plightの用例

Allowing banks to claim a tax refund by carrying a loss back to the previous year has not been allowed since fiscal 1992 in Japan, due chiefly to the fiscal plight of the central government.

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