
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

focus on

〜に焦点を当てる 〜に焦点を合わせる 〜に焦点を置く 〜に的を絞る 〜に絞る 〜を集中的[重点的]に取り上げる 〜を争点とする 〜を重視する 〜に重点を置く 〜を最優先する 〜を強調する 〜を柱とする 〜を中核に据える 〜を中核事業にする 〜に力を注ぐ 〜に力を入れる 〜に注力する 〜に注目する 〜に執着する 〜に結集する 〜に集中する 〜に専念する 〜を繰り返す

focus onの関連語句

focus onの用例

Core technology strategy usually means a corporate strategy in which a company focuses on certain technological areas of its core competence for its R&D investment to enhance its competitiveness.

Due to a year-on-year increase of 0.4 percent in the nation’s core consumer price index in June 2013, attention is now focused on whether there will be a virtuous cycle in which brisk consumption will push up prices.

Due to the European financial crisis, Mitsubishi Motors Corp. will terminate production in the Netherlands and focus on emerging economies where demand is robust.

Financial markets worldwide are focused on whether the U.S. FRB embarks on a third round of its quantitative easing policy, or Q3.

Former Nissan Motor Co. Chairman Carlos Ghosn, who fled to Lebanon by jumping bail in Japan, is reportedly focusing on wining and dining with others to widen his network of contacts [his personal network].

Former Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone’s efforts to achieve fundamental tax reform focusing on the introduction of a sales tax did not bear fruit.

In a policy speech delivered by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, he stressed that his administration would focus on creating a virtuous circle for the economy toward lifting the nation out of deflation.

In Japanese car market, European manufacturers have increased sales by standardizing installation of safety devices in their cars to distinguish themselves from Japanese manufacturers which have focused on practicality.

In the second Abe Cabinet, Abe has given precedence on kick-starting the economy, rather than focusing on pet projects such as national security and revising the Constitution.

In the Tokyo assembly campaign, attention is focused on whether the LDP and New Komeito will together win the 64 seats needed for a majority.

Japan and India issued a joint statement focusing on the promotion of the “free and open Indo-Pacific” initiative which has been led by Japan and the United States.

Kanebo, Ltd. will focus on its daily necessities and pharmaceutical businesses.

LDP leader Shinzo Abe is taking a position focusing more on economic growth and expenditure cuts rather than tax increases.

Sony is poised to focus on 4K TVs, but there is no knowing whether the firm’s 4K TV-centered strategy will actually make its TV unit profitable.

Sony will focus on developing next generation 4K TVs as its new TV division strategy, but it will refrain from waging a price war with its rivals in the 4K market, giving priority to enhancing its profitability mainly through luxury models.

Spring offensives over the past several years focused on ensuring job security, rather than wage hikes.

The Abe administration has focused on putting the economic recovery on a firm footing to help the economy break free from more than 15 years of deflation.

The Akutagawa Prize is awarded to writers of serious literature which stresses artistic qualities, while the Naoki Prize is awarded to writers of popular fiction which focuses on compelling storytelling.

The company plans to focus more on merger and acquisition-based business expansion if it fails to reach the target of its medium-term business plan.

The company which focuses on the Tokyo metropolitan area is shifting its basic strategy to raise added value.

The delegation from the IAEA is expected to focus on Iran’s alleged attempts to develop nuclear weapons.

The firm will increase its global market share for flat screen TVs by focusing on its plasma display panel TV business and liquid crystal display TV business.

The first supplementary budget focused on supporting small and midsize companies and household budgets hit hard by the spread of the new coronavirus.

The four-way gubernatorial race in Okinawa mainly focuses on the pros and cons of going ahead with the project to relocate the U.S. Marine Corps’ Futenma Air Station to Henoko in Nago City.

The platform of the Liberal Democratic Party focuses on reviving the Japanese economy.

The TSE’s first-ever inspection focusing on the prevention of insider trading is a step toward restoring trust in the nation’s stock market.

The TSE’s inspections of major securities firms will focus on information about corporate clients, such as whether the brokerages have proper in-house regulations and management systems covering insider information.

The world’s largest maker of small and midsize liquid crystal displays has focused on the development and production of smartphone-related products.

To restore domestic industries, the government will designate the next five years as an emergency period for structural reforms, focusing on measures such as utilizing the female labor force and promoting private investment.

We continue to focus on increasing our growth through revenues from all markets.

We will continue to focus on the Asia-Pacific, where we support our allies, shape a future of greater security and prosperity.

With an aim to realize the Osaka metropolis plan, Osaka Mayor Hashimoto will focus on unified local elections scheduled for April 2015.

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