
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

food product

食品 食料品 食材 (⇒food poisoning incident)

food productの関連語句

food productの用例

After the poisoned frozen gyoza incident, Japanese companies were spurred to tighten quality controls on Chinese food products at their factories in China.

At an extraordinary shareholders meeting, Maruha Nichiro Holdings Inc. President Toshio Kushiro expressed his deep regret for a food poisoning incident caused by a frozen food products unit, Aqli Foods Corp.

Breaking down the sales figures, the sales of food products were ¥649.6 billion, a decrease of 0.7 percent, and clothing sales were down 5.2 percent.

Concerns over the safety of Chinese food products are rising in Japan, but the percentage of safety violations involving food imports from China fell below the overall average for all imported foods in fiscal 2012.

Following the discovery of frozen food products tainted with a pesticide known as malathion, Maruha Nichiro Holdings Inc. announced a voluntary recall of the products made by its subsidiary Aqli Foods.

Measures to tighten quality controls on Chinese food products, taken by many Japanese manufacturers in China, include more stringent tests on the amounts of agricultural chemicals used at Chinese farms and on the quality of processing materials used at Chinese factories.

Nisshin Food Products has obtained 86.32 percent of Myojo Food’s outstanding shares in a friendly takeover bid for about ¥32 billion.

Special health food products include some that are believed to help keep the digestive system in good condition.

Supermarkets, convenience stores and other retailers throughout the country were busy removing from their shelves food products containing the banned chemicals.

There are about 1,000 special health food products, including tea, chewing gum and yogurt.

To ensure the safety of inexpensive Chinese food products remains an important task facing both China and Japan.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報





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