
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

from the standpoint of

〜の立場[見地、観点]から 〜の立場[見地、観点]から見ると 〜の見地からすれば 〜の方向で 〜を基軸に

from the standpoint ofの用例

Advocates for the right to be forgotten are in favor of having personal information on the Internet removed after the lapse of a certain period of time, from the standpoint of privacy protection.

Based on the recovery of its economic might, Japan will positively contribute to the peace and stability of the international community from the standpoint of a “proactive pacifism.”

From the standpoint of protecting British fiscal sovereignty, British Prime Minister David Cameron refused to take part in the new EU treaty.

From the standpoint of respecting international rules and protecting freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, countries in the Asia-Pacific region, such as Japan, the United States and Australia, must support ASEAN to prevent China’s military expansion.

Japan held talks with China over the joint development of gas fields in the East China Sea from the standpoint of fostering a strategically reciprocal relationship.

There are pros and cons on the SDF’ adoption of cruise missiles within both the Japanese and U.S. governments. But the bottom line is that the SDF and U.S. military must reexamine their roles from the standpoint of buttressing the Japan-U.S. alliance.

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