
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

fuel efficiency

燃料効率 燃費効率 燃費 省エネ (⇒measure)

fuel efficiencyの関連語句

fuel efficiencyの用例

Aomori prefecture, the site of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant, is anxious about becoming a final resting place for nuclear waste.

As an abnormal situation, imports of liquefied natural gas, the fuel needed for operating power companies’ thermal power stations, have increased to a massive ¥6 trillion a year after the operations of nuclear reactors were suspended around the country.

Despite the fact that automotive exhaust accounts for a sharply shrinking proportion of air pollution, some state environmental agencies would mandate the sale of a certain number of electric cars, they would propose use of alternative fuels that are not required by the Clean Air Act, or they would develop “trip reduction” plans that go so far as to fine businesses that don’t get enough employees to carpool.

Japan has to import most of its fossil fuels from the Middle East in which supplies and prices remain unstable.

Shale gas, which can be used as fuel to operate thermal power plants and for other purposes, is a kind of natural gas found quite deep in the ground.

The deficit in goods trade in the first half of 2012 expanded sharply due to a surge in imports of fuel for thermal power generation following the suspensions of nuclear power plants.

The Japan-U.S. acquisition and cross servicing agreement (ACSA) has been updated so that U.S. forces and the SDF can exchange food and fuel not only during peacetime, but also in the event of a crisis.

With the main point at issue being how to realize the final disposal of spent nuclear fuels, a clamorous debate among laymen continues to rage on the future of nuclear energy.

fuel efficiency

燃費効率 燃費性能 燃料効率 低燃費 燃費

fuel efficiencyの関連語句

fuel efficiencyの用例

As imported cars also have good fuel efficiency, an increasing number of consumers are buying them.

High fuel efficiency is one key characteristic of the Mitsubishi Regional Jet (MRJ) being developed by Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp.

It’s pointed out that there is a huge difference between the fuel efficiency figures in product catalogs and what is actually seen in normal use.

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