
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

further payment


further paymentの関連語句

further paymentの用例

After the Fed further scaled back its stimulus program, Tokyo stocks tumbled 2.45 percent as the market was dragged down by worries over emerging markets.

As an epitome of Japan’s residential zones, the number of elderly households consisting of a single individual is further increasing.

As China is seeking to further expand its economic and military might to become a superpower on par with the United States, Chinese policy of expansion both economically and militarily will not change anytime soon.

At a conference held in Tokyo to discuss assistance for Afghanistan, donor countries urged Kabul anew to become more self-reliant and improve its governance further.

At the end of the TICAD 5, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the leaders of African nations pledged to promote private sector-led economic development in Africa to further facilitate the continent’s qualitative growth.

Buoyed by the yen’s further drop triggered by growing expectations for the additional monetary easing by the BOJ, the key Nikkei Stock Average surged to post a 52-month closing high on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on February 6, 2013.

China seems to have refrained from taking any action that could further escalate tension as the Japan-U.S. alliance is functioning to deter Beijing’s provocation.

Despite a possible outlawing of the Muslim Brotherhood by the Egyptian government, the ousted president Morsi’s group remained poised to hold further street protests.

Eurozone countries whose economies are suffering from the euro’s appreciation likely will criticize Japan if the yen falls further at a faster pace again.

G-20 countries would not tolerate a rapid decline of the yen that could destabilize the global economy though some of them expect the yen to fall further in Japan’s fight against deflation.

Government bond prices could drop precipitously, possibly causing interest rates on long-term loans to climb further, if confidence in government finances is shaken.

If business performance worsens further, some of these surplus workers may lose their jobs.

In response to the worsening humanitarian crisis, Japan also must rack its brains to further contribute to supporting refugees in countries in neighboring Syria.

It’s imperative to revive Japan’s agriculture sector to liberalize trade further.

Japan will import rare earths from Kazakhstan as early as January 2013, but the government will further seek to diversify its rare earth suppliers in light of Japan’s growing tension with China over the Senkakus.

LDP President Shinzo Abe will deepen bilateral relations further from a broad perspective by maintaining close contacts with South Korea.

New Yokozuna Kakuryu said that he would devote himself further to training and make an all-out effort so as not to disgrace the title of yokozuna.

Outraged with the envisioned taxation on bank deposits as a condition for the financial bailout by the EU and the IMF, Cypriots rushed to banks to withdraw money, which further fueled the chaos in Cyprus.

Pyongyang may further ratchet up tensions by escalating provocative actions.

Shale oil would remain profitable if the prices of crude oil remain at about $90 per barrel, but shale oil could become less profitable if crude oil prices decline further.

Standard & Poor’s assigned a negative outlook to the rating on Spain’s debt、but it could be further downgraded if Spain’s economic conditions erode further.

Tensions between Tokyo and Beijing will increase further if China’s pressure on Japan escalates.

The automaker put profit ahead of safety to ignore a fault that could lead to further fatalities.

The convenience of the common number system can be further enhanced if its range of application is extended to medical care information.

The effects of the recent depreciation of the dollar have not been seen yet, but if the U.S. currency depreciates further, it may lead to an increase in imported commodity prices, which in turn may become an inflationary factor.

The IMF will increase its funds by about $500 billion to help prevent further aggravation of the European sovereign debt crisis.

The Japanese government’s decision to deport Chinese activists to prevent Japan-China relations from deteriorating even further sparked criticism of Japan’s stance toward China as weak.

The LDP has suggested further increase in the budgets for land improvement projects, but it may only end up as a lavish spending spree.

The leaders of China are pressured to shore up the country’s economic expansion by implementing sweeping reforms as its economic growth decelerated in the final quarter of 2013 and is expected to slow further.

The rift between Japan and South Korea has deepened further, with South Korea filing a complaint with the WTO against Japan over export controls.

The Tizen smartphone OS of which main developers are South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and Intel Corp., a major U.S. semiconductor products manufacturer, will be an open-source product, so users can further develop or improve the software.

The United States should take concrete measures to reinforce the discipline of U.S. servicemen further to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

The weaker yen helps exporters, but close attention must be paid to the fact that the excessive depreciation of the yen will further increase the prices of imports of LNG and other foreign products.

The yen’s further depreciation could have resulted in a currency free fall and breakdown of the Japanese economy.

To liberalize trade further, it is imperative to arrest a decline in Japan’s agriculture sector and improve its international competitiveness.

Under the banner of opposing Japan’s participation in talks over the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a new party led by Nagoya Mayor Takashi Kawamura and others is looking to expand further through alliance with other parties.

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