
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

gain the field


gain the fieldの関連語句

gain the fieldの用例

Although school bullying is a big issue in the education field, bullying is basically caused by a lack of sensitivity toward other people.

Cabbage butterflies begin flying in farms or open fields when the weather gets warmer,

Dandelions growing along roadsides or in open fields bloom in pretty yellow flowers in spring.

3-D printers, which do not need any metal mold in a manufacturing process, can be used in a wide range of fields, including manufacturing parts for automobiles and aircrafts and making artificial bones.

Drones spread to a wide range of fields, including disaster preparedness and logistics.

Fresh edible wild plants like bracken shoots and fatsia sprouts, which can be gathered in mountains or fields during the spring, are especially tasty when served as tempura or boiled.

Improving the competence of referees and judges will be needed to prevent problematic decisions in every field of competition.

In autumn, farmers set up scarecrows dressed in old clothes with straw hats to prevent birds like crows from disturbing their fields.

In settlements of accounts for fiscal 2013, companies in wide-ranging fields saw rapid improvement in their earnings, but Sony failed to exploit the favorable business environment.

In the Special Olympics, there are 21 events including track and field, swimming and soccer in the summer games, while seven events including alpine skiing are held in winter.

Japan held talks with China over the joint development of gas fields in the East China Sea from the standpoint of fostering a strategically reciprocal relationship.

Moves toward a full-scale realignment have been accelerating in the commodity futures trading industry, involving companies from other business fields.

President Barack Obama and Republicans are also at odds over the scale of spending cuts in social security and other fields as well as ending tax cuts for the wealthy.

The current field of Democratic candidates seems to be ill-equipped to defeat U.S. President Donald Trump.

The government will bolster growth fields such as environmental and medical and nursing care sectors to make them a catalyst for stimulating the deflation-crippled economy.

The LDP’s envisaged creation of a “direct payment system” to support the agriculture sector in place of the income compensation system for individual farmers targets projects that involve all farmland including fields and orchards as well as rice paddies.

The number of wild animals is increasing due to global warming, depopulation in rural areas, and a decline in hunting, and the damage to fields caused by wild boars is a serious issue.

The sales representative switched his job and went into an unfamiliar business field.

The United States and European countries have a technological edge in the field of 3-D printers which are expected to revolutionize the world’s manufacturing industries.

Through the merger, the two firms can expect to see benefits from the large increase in engineers capable of developing new fields.

With the aging of the population, nursing care and medical treatment are promising fields in which demand is expected to increase.

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