
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

gas-to-liquid (GTL) products

GTL製品 (⇒GTL products)

gas-to-liquid (GTL) productsの関連語句

gas-to-liquid (GTL) productsの用例

A group of Islamist extremists seized a natural gas complex in eastern Algeria and took a large number of foreign hostages, in a despicable act of terrorism.

At some of the petrochemical factories which are under construction, ethylene and other materials will be produced from natural gas.

Developing countries assert that advanced countries have emitted a massive amount of greenhouse gas with their industrial production. But the total amount of emissions from developing countries as a whole has topped the total amount for advanced countries now.

Filter-equipped ventilation equipment discharges gases from within a reactor to prevent the reactor from being destroyed in an accident.

In addition to higher gasoline prices, there are also concerns about increases in electricity, gas and other energy-related prices.

In Japan, ensuring a stable supply of the fuel for thermal power generation and importing the gas from a wide array of countries have become important issues since the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

In order to excavate shale gas, high-pressure water is pumped underground to break rocks containing the gas. But this method may contaminate underground water and induce earthquakes.

Methane hydrate is a form of natural gas and it was successfully extracted from the seafloor about 80 kilometers off the coast of Aichi Prefecture.

Officials at an Army depot where nerve gas and other chemical weapons are stored found no trace of a reported intruder.

Shale is a kind of rock formed by layers of mud with gas trapped in cracks.

The main causes of air pollution in China are an increase in exhaust gas from automobiles, the combustion of coal for heating and a lack of strong wind.

The price of regular gas has gone up for six weeks because oil wholesalers have added their import costs, which have been going up due to the weak yen since the end of last year, to the retail price.

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