
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

group sales

連結売上高 (=consolidated revenues, consolidated sales)

group salesの関連語句

group salesの用例

A citizens group filed a criminal complaint against the prosecutor who made a falsified investigative report on suspicion of forging an official document with a seal or signature.

A group of English teachers nationwide will establish the Academy of Movie English to promote greater use of movies in the classroom and announce a “Movie English Academy Awards” for feature films that are deemed appropriate for learning English.

A group of Islamist extremists seized a natural gas complex in eastern Algeria and took a large number of foreign hostages, in a despicable act of terrorism.

Algerian government forces launched an attack on the armed Islamist group, reflecting its sense of urgency that similar terrorist attacks might follow unless they bring the situation under control immediately.

A Seibu group corporate reform panel announced an interim plan for the group’s reconstruction.

A series of school events such as a school picnic and a sports festival give children a chance to learn how to behave in a group.

As the proportion of medical bills people must pay at hospitals differs between age groups, this proportion may be set at a uniform rate so that people shoulder medical expenses commensurate with their income.

As the threat to Israel, Syria’s stock of chemical weapons may fall into the hands of the Lebanese Islamist group Hezbollah.

A unique idol group of Japanese-Brazilian junior high schoolgirls has released a DVD with a debut song that features a “B-pop” music style, a combination of samba rhythms and Portuguese lyrics.

Details about the safety of the Japanese taken hostage by a group of Islamist extremists remain unknown.

French and African troops are preparing an offensive for driving Islamist militant groups occupying northern Mali from their safe haven in the Sahara.

In addition to an early retirement program, the company will apply such measures as personnel transfer to positions outside its group and personnel reposting within the group.

In the previous Tokyo metropolitan assembly election of 2009, the DPJ made a remarkable breakthrough to become the assembly’s largest group while the LDP suffered a crushing defeat.

Japanese employees of JGC Corp., a major plant manufacturing firm, were caught up in the hostage-taking incident launched by an armed Islamist group in Algeria.

Japan Exchange Group Inc. reorganized the group’s cash equity markets into the TSE’s First and Second sections, JASDAQ and Mothers markets for startups, and the Tokyo Pro Market.

Mitsubishi Electric Corp. experienced a massive cyber-attack by a Chinese-affiliated hacker group and computers at the company were infected with a virus.

Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan restoration group) intends to field about 350 candidates nationwide in the next national poll.

Private anti-Japan groups of China are likely to step up their proactive acts.

Rockets which Islamist group Hamas launched from Gaza landed in Tel Aviv, Israel’s largest commercial city.

The company has been in the losing group in digital consumer electronics.

The country is a patchwork of groups backing Syrian President Bashar Assad and other groups siding with those people trying to bring him down.

The firm’s strong sales have yet to catch up with the other two soft-drink giants, or the Coca-Cola group and Suntory Beverage & Food Ltd.

The 28 global big banks were divided into four groups by the FSB, in which Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc. is in the group with a targeted 1.5 percent capital surcharge.

The mass abduction of more than 200 schoolgirls by an Islamic militant group in Nigeria triggered a storm of international condemnation.

The Sochi Winter Olympics in Sochi, a resort in the south of Russia on the Black Sea coast, has kicked off under the threat of potential terrorism because an Islamist radical group announced its intention to disrupt the Games through terrorist attacks.

The Unites States and its Arab allies have been carrying out airstrikes in Syria to uproot the Islamic State group.

The withdrawal of the ISAF’s combat troops may lead to a weakened government and a resurgence of the former ruling Taliban group.

The Xi administration after the Hu-Wen regime is forced to appropriately deal with the suppression of the human rights of minority groups, such as those in the Tibet Autonomous Region.

Though it is obvious that these companies were swindled by the U.S. asset investment group that sold the bonds, they are hesitant to take legal actions.

Tokyo Gov. Naoki Inose has made public a simple IOU given by him to the Tokushukai medical group, in an attempt to quell the storm over a controversial loan he received from the group.

group sales

連結売上高 (=consolidated revenues, consolidated sales)

group salesの用例

Annual group sales of Bic Camera and Kojima are more than ¥1 trillion combined.

Mazda Motor Corp. is the nation’s fifth-large auto manufacturer in terms of group sales.

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