
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

growth rate

成長率 経済成長率 伸び率 増加率 (⇒economic growth rate, slow動詞)

growth rateの関連語句

growth rateの用例

Due to the effects of low growth rate of the European economy and the strong euro, the increase rates of commodity prices in the eurozone have been at less than 1 percent for eight straight months, far lower than the target of near 2 percent.

The DPJ leadership stipulated in the bills of the consumption tax rate hike that the government aims to revitalize the economy by achieving nominal economic growth rate of about 3 percent and real growth rate of about 2 percent.

The European economy has overcome the financial and debt crises of Greece and a few other countries, but it remains stagnant due to the low growth rate and the strong euro.

The government projects that a series of economic stimulus measures will boost the growth rate by 1 percent.

The government’s goal of achieving a surplus in the primary balance by fiscal 2020 will be difficult to achieve even if Japan realizes a high nominal economic growth rate of more than 3 percent, if the current government expenditure structure is maintained.

The government will factor in the GDP growth rate during the April-June quarter in deciding whether to implement the consumption tax rate hike.

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