英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
hand down
(判決などを)言い渡す 公式に発表する (後世に)伝える 遺産として残す 手渡す 伝わる 遺伝する (⇒reputation)
hand downの関連語句
hand downの用例
French comedian Dieudonné was handed down two-month suspended jail sentence for condoning terrorism by a French court.
In the French presidential election, the judgment voters hand down will have a very grave import on whether the eurozone crisis can be contained.
It is very difficult to hand down guilty rulings on cases lacking a defendant’s confession or direct evidence.
Judges are becoming very cautious to hand down a guilty sentence based purely on circumstantial evidence.
The Osaka High Court had no other option than handing down a not-guilty ruling as there was no evidence pointing to the defendant as the real culprit in a May 2008 murder.
The Tokyo District Court handed down a not-guilty ruling to a Nepalese man.
The Tokyo District Court handed down suspended prison terms to three maintenance company officials over an elevator accident.
Upholding a ruling by the Yokohama District Court, the Tokyo High Court handed down a decision ordering a halt to late-night and early-morning flights by MSDF aircraft at Atsugi Air Base in Kanagawa Prefecture.
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