hard-line stance

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

hard-line stance

強硬姿勢 強硬路線 強硬派

hard-line stanceの用例

China may take a hard-line stance in the East China Sea similar to that in the South China Sea as the country is strengthening its military muscle.

China, which has been striving to become a great maritime power backed by a strong military, will surely continue its hard-line stance against Japan, Vietnam and other neighbors in the East and South China seas.

The latest abnormally close intercept of a U.S. Navy aircraft by a Chinese fighter jet shed light on the hard-line stance of Beijing.

The United States adopted the hard-line stance against nations it perceived to be supporting terrorists.

Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara is known for his hard-line stance toward China.

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