household savings

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

household savings

家計の貯蓄 家計貯蓄

household savingsの関連語句

household savingsの用例

As an epitome of Japan’s residential zones, the number of elderly households consisting of a single individual is further increasing.

As TEPCO’s business performance has been deteriorating, it has the option of once again raising utility rates by a large margin to improve its earnings. But it would deliver a great blow to households and businesses in its service areas.

Business sentiment and the willingness of household to spend may cool and stall the economy unless the sharp appreciation of the yen is checked.

Due to floodwater from the Abukuma River, about 80 households in Kagamiishi, Fukushima Prefecture have been isolated.

Economic expansion is far from being felt by households.

Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko will be cremated after they die reflecting their wish, the Imperial Household Agency said.

Households with an annual income of less than ¥4 million account for nearly half of the national total.

In order to shore up families in need, the new Biden administration has come up with an additional economic stimulus package worth about ¥200 trillion, centering on cash benefits for households.

NTT’s monopolization of subscribers’ lines connecting NTT telephone stations and households has impeded fair competition among telecommunications companies.

Obama has consistently called for ending tax cuts for wealthy households, but he recently offered a compromise to Republicans by proposing higher tax rates for Americans making more than $400,000 a year.

The DPJ-led government has introduced an income compensation system for individual rice farming households.

The government plans to introduce a system to cap each household’s expenses for medical treatment, nursing care and childcare, thereby curbing their co-payments.

The prices of three-dimensional printers have fallen significantly, so even ordinary households are able to afford them.

There is an assistance system as for single-parent households, under which they are entitled to have their children enter day care centers on a priority basis and child-care helpers are sent to them on a temporary basis.

To focus tax cuts on the middle-class and reduce fiscal deficits, Obama has consistently called for ending tax cuts for wealthy households earning more than $250,000 a year during and after the presidential campaign.

Up to two people per household were allowed to briefly return to their homes in the no-entry zone within the 20-km radius of the crippled nuclear plant.

Wage-earning households account for about 60 percent of total household spending.

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